Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What Dogs Eat

Dogs eat...
bowls of

dog food, and...

kitchen chairs!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oktoberfest and Carrie Underwood

Okay, seriously! I had this wonderful plan to write all about the fun I have been having, but it's not working out for me. All of my pictures are in backwards order of how I want them, but we are just going to have to make do, because I don't want to wait for them all to load again. So, enjoy reading my BACKWARDS story of my fun times recently.
Kelly and I went to see Carrie Underwood live at Jobing.com. She was incredible to watch. Here she is in the back of a blue truck that was hanging over the crowd from the ceiling!
Kelly and I before the concert started.

Kelly and I decided that we would go to Saddle Ranch before the concert and have 1 drink. Who knew that the one drink would be as big as our arms? HAHA! Fun times!

Oktoberfest is something that I have heard about, but never been to. Steve and I decided we would go check it out one day. As you can see from this picture of him, it was lots of fun! :) Beer to drink (or hard cider) and cool bands to listen to.

Here's a little video of Carrie Underwood singing my very favorite song of hers. Loved it!

***Someone needs to give me some serious tips on how to move pictures around on this blog, or how to get them to appear in the order that I want them!***

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My hair

Picture for Natalie to see my hair. It is definitely shorter than it used to be, and RED! It must have been a long time since you have seen me!

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

I know, I know! It's been over a year since I have added to this thing. I have a good excuse to keep up on it now though. Chris is in Venezuela working until December, so it's a good place for him to visit and see what his little family is up to here in AZ. Speaking of family, here's the whole clan of doggies sitting on my lap!
I have been seeing this pack of wild dogs lately on my way to work. They look so much like Remy! I think that he must have been a wild dog that either got lost or kicked out of the group. He is becoming much more social, and will even come to me when I call him now! I am looking forward to my dad coming down for Fall Break and working with him. I swear my dad is the dog whisperer!

This week has been a little rough for poor Remy. He got neutered and had to wear this funny collar. I have since taken it off of him, but it made for a good laugh at the time.
More to come later. I just wanted to make sure I still remembered how to log in and add pictures to this thing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Still Alive

Haven't updated in a while, so just thought I'd tell ya'll that I'm still alive. Larry the ligament had a bit of a set back today, but I will keep working hard to get him stronger. Don't really feel like typing the whole story. :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Knee Surgery

Well, after about 18 years of my knee giving me hell, I am finally scheduled to have surgery on June 11th. Basically, since the age of 9 or so my knee has dislocated itself when I do too much physical activity. I then have to wear a knee brace and hobble around for several months before it heals itself. This last time it dislocated though was in March, and it has yet to heal itself. I went to the orthopedic surgeon and apparently my MPFL (look it up if you care) is nonexistent in my knee. That means there is no ligament holding my knee cap in place, so surgery it is.

Surgery involves 2 little poke holes in the front of my knee that will be used to laterally release my ligament on the outside of my knee. I guess that ligament is too tight. Then, I will have an incision on the inside of my knee that they will use to reconstruct my MPFL. They are going to use a cadaver ligament to do this. They will drill holes into my knee cap and leg bone to attach the ligament with screws of some sort, then pull my quad muscle over the top for strength. Sounds awful, I know.

Recovery time is LONG!!!! I will be on crutches for about 10 weeks with little movement of my leg. Then, I will have to start physical therapy to strengthen my quad muscle and make my knee bend again. Should be good as new in about 4 months. Hopefully then I will be able to get back on my bike and be active like I want to be.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Diet!

Thought I'd give this blog thing a go since I set it up months ago, and haven't touched it since. Natalie is gonna be so impressed! :)

Chris is so supportive in helping me try to lose weight. This is what he cooked me for dinner tonight! HAHAHA

No, I did not eat the whole thing!

In other news, Chris got the job on the wind farm in Heber, AZ. He has passed all the tests and has been told he will start on May 26th. Wow! Doesn't give me much time to get used to the idea of him not being here all the time. I am happy he is going back to work, but very sad he'll be several hours away.

Will post more with additional pictures soon. I'm off to Kelly's to Cricut. :)