Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

I know, I know! It's been over a year since I have added to this thing. I have a good excuse to keep up on it now though. Chris is in Venezuela working until December, so it's a good place for him to visit and see what his little family is up to here in AZ. Speaking of family, here's the whole clan of doggies sitting on my lap!
I have been seeing this pack of wild dogs lately on my way to work. They look so much like Remy! I think that he must have been a wild dog that either got lost or kicked out of the group. He is becoming much more social, and will even come to me when I call him now! I am looking forward to my dad coming down for Fall Break and working with him. I swear my dad is the dog whisperer!

This week has been a little rough for poor Remy. He got neutered and had to wear this funny collar. I have since taken it off of him, but it made for a good laugh at the time.
More to come later. I just wanted to make sure I still remembered how to log in and add pictures to this thing.


  1. YAY for a new post! IS YOUR HAIR SHORT????!!!!!

  2. Geez McK it is about time!!! :) Love the dog photo...looks like they are taking you over :) See you soon!
